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Books and Guides

Everyone acting in or for the Third Sector now recognise the importance of measuring impact. The key question has now become: how to do it efficiently?

There are many ways to create and embed a successful impact measurement system within a specific project or an organisation, using highly customised tools, or more standardised one. The Social E-valuator is one of the latter. Thanks to its web-based tool, it supports organisations throughout the process of analysing and evaluating social impact. Social E-valuator makes social impact measurement better accessible, cost-efficient and enables organisations to report about impact in a consistent way.

This free webinar introduced impact measurement using the Social E-valuator tool. The webinar lasted an hour, during which Stone Soup briefly introduced the topic, and a case study based on the company “Philips” - The Philips Employment Scheme (WGP) - was used by Social E-valuator to illustrate how to measure impact and how to use Social Evaluator tool to do so.

Working Papers and Research

This paper by Uli Grabenwarter and Heinrich Liechtenstein summarises the main findings from research supported by IESE Business School and the Family Office Circle Foundation, based on interviews with more than 60 impact investors. The paper defines impact investing, identifies the diverse investors and how they have succeeded or failed and explains why the popular assumption that impact investing involves a trade off between financial gain and social impact is wrong.