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L’Avise, l’ESSEC IIES et le Mouves ont publié un petit précis de l’évaluation de l’impact social.

Cette publication est le fruit de travaux collectifs de près de 20 structures rassemblées autour d’une même volonté : proposer des repères à toute entreprise sociale, association ou structure d’utilité sociale qui souhaite enrichir ses connaissances sur le sujet.

Qu’est-ce que l’évaluation de l’impact social ? A quoi et à qui sert-elle ? Comment la mettre en œuvre ? Quels exemples concrets ? Ce petit précis apporte des éléments de réponse et donne des repères indispensables pour évaluer l’impact d’une entreprise sociale.

Case Studies

This resource is a French report from a consensus conference on homelessness in France.

Event Reports

Jeudi 20 mars 2014, l’Agence nouvelle des solidarités actives (Ansa) a animé une table-rondesur le thème de « L’expérimentation sociale à l’épreuve du terrain ». Cette soirée a rassemblé tous les acteurs – institutionnels, politiques, associatifs, universitaires ou du secteur privé – que le sujet intéresse, interpelle et questionne. Cet ouvrage a été réalisé par Sylvie Le Bars, Marion Prigent, Ben Rickey, Claire-Selma Aïtout avec la participation de Marion Drouault et Sylvie Hanocq.

SIAA’s 2013 annual conference, Beyond Measurement, took place on December 10th at ESSEC Business School in France. This publication provides reflections on the day and access to further resources.

External Databases and Resources

J-PAL Europe was established in May, 2007 to expand J-PAL advocacy work in Europe and include European researchers in the J-PAL network. The office also manages J-PAL activities in the Middle East and parts of northern and francophone Africa. Based at the Paris School of Economics, J-PAL Europe works to improve the effectiveness of social programs world-wide by supporting researchers working on randomized trials and disseminating their results in order to provide policymakers with reliable information that can make their policies more effective.

J-PAL Europe is a regional office of J-PAL, a focal point for development and poverty research based on randomized trials.

The Agence Nouvelle des Solidarités Actives is a French non-profit organisation that puts into place local, experimental and innovative actions to fight against poverty and exclusion.

Training and Courses

ESSEC is one of the foremost business schools and Grandes Écoles in France and one of Europe’s top business schools. At ESSEC IIES (Institut de l’Innovation et de l’Entrepreneuriat Social), training is offered in social impact measurement as well as various programmes relating to analysing the social impact of social enterprises.

INSEAD Business School offers an Executive Master in Consulting and Coaching for Change, a program about human relations and behaviour applied to management. Aimed at HR professionals, coaches, consultants and executives seeking new ways to make an impact on their organisation, this programme integrates business education with a range of psychological disciplines, and enables an understanding of yourself and others at a fundamental level – and to use that knowledge to create more effective organisations.


This is the conference video from SIAA’s annual conference on 10th December 2013, at ESSEC Business School in France.