Thank you for applying for SIAA membership!

We will need to receive your £70 individual membership fee (please use to convert fees and threshold into your local currency) before confirming your SIAA membership.  We can accept payments either by bank transfer (BACS) or via PayPal, below. If you opt for bank transfer, please include your name as a reference on the payment, as this will speed up our processing your membership application.

We are unfortunately unable to accept credit card payments at this time. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause you. Please contact us to discuss other payment options.

Payment by bank transfer (BACS)

Please include your name as a reference on payment

Amount: £70
Account Name: Social Impact Analysts Association
Account Number: 32431104
Sort Code: 60-40-05
IBAN: GB33NWBK60400532431104
Bank: Natwest

Payments by PayPal
