Amber Seely - Spark InSites

About you:

Spark InSites is a New Orleans based market analysis firm with expertise in real estate and place-based research, demand analysis, underwriting and strategic planning. We bring a variety of perspectives including policy, planning, and financing to our market analysis, program design, implementation strategy, and impact analysis services.

Where are you based?

New Orleans, Louisiana, USA

Where do you work?

Throughout the USA.

What policy areas do you usually work in?

We work on place based initiatives - real estate, housing and community development.

What are you working on at the moment?

We are setting up baseline indicators of a community and then measuring changes over time with periodic review of indicators. For example, measuring the health indicators in a defined area (in a “food desert”) then coming back to those indicators to see if they’ve improved after a fresh food retailer comes online in the area.

Is there anything you would like to share, discuss, or work with other SIAA members on?

Measuring the impacts (presumably the improvements) in a neighborhood of various real estate development activities (impacts including the construction period activity but beyond into the operations of the facility / of the tenants).